Pivotal CRM MonitoringIT
Pivotal MonitoringIT gives to IT departments involved in Pivotal CRM Systems administration a simple and effective way to monitor infrastructure components, processes and services.
Pivotal CRM MonitoringIT allow IT professionals to
- Monitor LCS, ANM, PLM and almost any other Pivotal CRM service
- Receive e-mail notifications on the occurrence of failures on the monitored processes
- Store detailed information of failures in a Microsoft SQL Database
- Flexibility to create and plug in your own monitoring modules
Pivotal MonitoringIT main features
- 8 built-in modules to monitor disk space, Pivotal Lifecycle Server, Pivotal Active Notification Manager, Pivotal Integrator Connector notifications, Pivotal License Manager, SharePoint Services and Database response
- Open architecture that allows creating and plugging in new modules to monitor custom services
- Simple and intuitive management console that allows monitoring several servers and services simultaneously
- Monitor task notification storage in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database or Microsoft SQL Compact Edition 3.5 data file
- E-mail alert notification via SMTP
Suitable for: Pivotal CRM 5.9, Pivotal CRM 6.x (CMS o PCM)
Pivotal CRM MonitoringIT video demo
MonitoringIT from Grupo Lanka on Vimeo.
Pivotal CRM MonitoringIT flowchart:

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